Episode 13 – Season 2 premiere!
Lee gets a colonic at Austin Colonic Center in Austin, Texas.ย On a serious note, toxic “debris” can get into the walls of your body and potentially cause diseases like cancer.ย Some believe that colon cleanses help with overall health.ย This is a very educational and interesting process.ย Cheryl explains the process as Lee undergoes the treatment.ย On a less than serious note, we’re going to find out if Lee is full of crap.
Next, Lee trains arms with his longtime friend and sometime roommate, Kurt.ย Lee and Kurt share some wild stories from their time living together in Venice, California in the 1990s.ย These stories are not to be missed – they are definitely a highlight of this entire BodyBuilders Reality video series.ย Filmed at World Gym in Austin, Texas (approximately 100 minutes).
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