Have you ever wondered what it's really like inside the life of a pro bodybuilder? Say, for instance, Lee Priest?
Sometimes it's a lot like a pumped up version of "America's Funniest Home Videos"! Sure, you've seen the overpriced workout videos, the boring magazine articles telling us what the pros eat, blah, blah, blah.
What is the life of a pro bodybuilder REALLY LIKE? Up until now, we've had to depend on magazines and message boards for the scoop. Well here's a fresh perspective and a different angle with regard to the world of pro bodybuilding.
Here's your chance to take a look at the inside life of a pro caught on camera and put on DVD - not just once but every month all year long! This is video shot by bodybuilders for bodybuilders!
In 2oo6, I grabbed my video camera and took on the entertaining challenge of following the world’s most popular pro bodybuilder, Lee Priest.
Our journey started in Texas and took us to such exotic places like Brazil, Alaska, Australia, and Europe where Lee was treated like a rock star while competing in pro bodybuilding shows, putting on posing exhibitions, seminars and guest appearances.
Nothing like this had ever been done before! A reality-style DVD of the month in which we captured what turned out to be a very pivotal time in Lee’s career.
During the 2 years of filming, here is a shortlist of what occurred:
- Lee's 750 horsepower Mustang GT!
- Hellacious pre-contest workouts!
- Getting a tattoo…on his face!
- Getting a tattoo on his entire back!
- Magazine photoshoots.
- Former fiance, Adela Garcia!
- Birthdays gone wrong!
- Trips to Southern California for professional drag racing events.
- Lee was SCEDA’s rookie of the year!
- Visits to Venice, California!
- Eating at the famous Firehouse Restaurant.
- Workout partners: Bruce, Richard, Ed, and fellow pro, Rusty Jeffers!
- Training with fellow pro, Tom Platz!
- Thumbing his nose at the IFBB and joining the fledgling PDI. Was this a mistake?
- Emergency room visits for a shoulder infection and shortly after an emergency root canal!
- Competing in the IFBB at numerous contests.
- Getting banned from the IFBB for “inappropriate behavior”!
- Travel with Lee to Alaska, Brazil, The Arnold Classic and to Europe.
- And much more!
Q & A
1) Are these videos available on YouTube?
Answer – A few highlight videos are available on YouTube at https://youtube.com/user/toolband123 I uploaded several episodes a few years ago but had issues with YouTube regarding the gym music or background music in the videos so I took them off of YouTube.
2) How long are each of the 24 episodes?
Answer – The shortest is 35 minutes (DVD 2) and the longest is nearly 120 minutes.
3) Who all appears in these BodyBuildersReality videos?
Answer – Lee Priest, Adela Garcia, Bruce, Richard Stone, Ed Brown, Jr., Eddie Giuliani, Jerome Ferguson, several IFBB pro bodybuilders, Tom Platz, Joe Vitale, Monica Brant, Scott Peckham, Rusty Jeffers, Kurt, and many more.
4) How much is shipping?
Answer – When you enter your shipping address on the order page, you’ll see how much your order will cost to ship.
5) When is this sale over?
Answer – These DVD's have not been made available since 2017. Currently, these videos are available only as digital downloads. Please visit the "shop" page.
6) Can I download the videos instead of watching them on DVD? Answer: Yes, please visit the "shop" page. I would advise AGAINST downloading the videos to your smartphone as this has proven to be problematic with past orders. Download your video(s) to your computer and then transfer to your phone.
7) Can I buy these digital downloads anywhere else?
Answer: No. This website is the only authorized website to sell these videos.
8) Can I buy just season 1 or season 2?
Answer: Yes, you can buy any of the digital downloads that you want.
9) Can I buy just one digital download?
Answer: Yes, please visit the shop page.
10) I don’t have a PayPal account – how do I purchase the digital downloads? Answer: You don’t need a PayPal account. Please see this link: https://www.paypal.com/webapps/mpp/account-optional
We also use Stripe as a payment processor if you do not want to use PayPal.
Other questions? Please contact me here
BodyBuilders Reality Descriptions
Please do not download your purchase to your phone. Download your video(s) to your computer first and then transfer to your phone if you'd like. We've had problems with downloads to phones timing out and not completing. Thanks! - Scott/BodyBuilders Reality
BBR 1 - Lee trains shoulders and calves with Bruce, lunch at KFC, Q and A with Lee, Lee’s house.Austin, Texas (approx 60 minutes).
BBR 2 - Lee trains triceps, Adela’s birthday party (Adela was Lee’s fiancee during this time), Lee trains biceps, Lee’s 700 horsepower Mustang GT. Austin, Texas (approx 35 minutes).
BBR 3 - Lee trains legs at Golds Gym, racing the dragster in California, Lee eats at the famous bodybuilding restaurant “The Firehouse”, what’s in Lee’s wallet? Austin and California (approx 60 minutes).
BBR 4 - The Arnold Expo, Adela’s fitness contest, Lee’s bodybuilding contest pre-judging and night show including Lee’s Superman routine, travel home to Australia with Lee, posing, training, meet Lee’s family and friends, National Hot Rod Association (NHRA) races in Houston. Ohio, Australia, Houston, Austin (approx 60 minutes).
BBR 5 - Australian Grand Prix, Lee in the pump up room, competing on stage, Adela Garcia guest pose routine, out to eat with family and friends, Lee’s house in Australia, touring a local gym in Australia, a seminar appearance with Lee, desert with Lee, breakfast with Lee, Lee gets a massage, sightseeing, the zoo, hotel room. Australia (approximately 75 minutes).
BBR 6 - Lee eating at IHOP (International House Of Pancakes), Superfan, Frank Sanders from New York, spends time with Lee. Lee puts Frank through a leg workout, Lee changes his hair color, Ronnie Coleman Classic, What’s in Lee’s pantry? Austin, Dallas/Ft. Worth(approximately 75 minutes). DVD 6 was the first episode that I (Scott) edited. There are some technical issues but not too bad.
BBR 7 - Lee and Richard Stone train biceps, talks religion, Joe Vitale from “The Secret”, Lee and friends go to an amusement park called “Fiesta, Texas”, Lee makes an appearance at City Blends smoothies grand opening, dinner at P.F. Chang’s. Austin, San Antonio (approximately 60 minutes).
BBR 8 - (double DVD) Lee trains chest with a teenager. Lee trains biceps and triceps at Gold’s Gym. Lots of training, laughs and insights into the world of bodybuilding according to Lee. Austin (approximately 120 minutes).
BBR 9 - (double DVD) Lee trains back, Shoulders, Mustang GT updated, Doughnuts and Zingers. Austin (approximately 90 minutes).
BBR 10 - Emergency trip to the hospital for an infection, Lee trains arms, PDI bodybuilding contest, emergency root canal, Mr. Olympia 2006 Austin, England, Las Vegas (approximately 90 minutes).
BBR 11 - PDI Bodybuilding contest in England, Seminar in England, Mr. Olympia weekend in Las Vegas, a day at the races, photo shoot, drag strip England, Las Vegas, Houston (approximately 90 minutes).
BBR 12 - Legs at Gold’s Gym, Australia, fishing with Lee’s daughter, tour of Australian jail with family. Austin, Australia. (approximately 90 minutes).
BBR 13 - Season 2 premiere! Lee gets a colonic, Lee trains arms with Kurt at World Gym Austin (approximately 90 minutes).
BBR 14 - Lee gets a tattoo at Atomic Tattoo in Austin, Lee and Bruce train chest at Gym One, Lee walks around his apartment building during an ice storm. Austin (approximately 90 minutes).
BBR 15 - The Arnold Classic Day 1, The Arnold Classic Day 2, hotel workout, trip to Houston, Texas to get Brazil passports. Columbus, Ohio, Austin, Houston. (approximately 90 minutes).
BBR 16 - Lee travels to Alaska and attends the Alaskan Bodybuilding Championships, Lee travels to Vitoria, Brazil. Alaska, Brazil (approximately 75 minutes).
BBR 17 - Brazil part 2, Lee trains legs, lunch in Brazil, seminar in Brazil, Lee trains chest and back in Austin. Brazil, Austin (approximately 90 minutes).
BBR 18 - Lee comes over to Scott’s house. We watch videos of his early bodybuilding – teen years, early 20’s. Austin. (approximately 80 minutes).
BBR 19 - Lee watches and tells us about photo shoots that he did when he was in his 20’s. Lots of never before seen classic video of Lee. Austin. (approximately 75 minutes).
BBR 20 - Lee visits Arizona and trains back and calves with Tom Platz, Lee trains legs at World Gym in Austin. Arizona, Austin. (approximately 75 minutes).
BBR 21 - Lee trains back at World Gym in Austin, photo shoots and covers, pets and racing photos. Austin. (approximately 75 minutes).
BBR 22 - Lee trains shoulders with Rusty Jeffers in Arizona, lunch with Lee and Rusty. Arizona. (approximately 75 minutes).
BBR 23 - Lee trains legs with Rusty Jeffers, friends show off the “TREX” motorcycle, Lee’s Arizona apartment, the secret to getting big. Arizona. (approximately 75 minutes).
BBR 24 - Lee trains arms, back and legs with Rusty Jeffers, Lee’s favorite websites (warning). Arizona. (approximately 75 minutes).
Lee Priest, Macario Judice, and Scott York in Vitoria, Brazil

Beluga Point in Anchorage, Alaska
BodyBuilders Reality was born in late 2005 as a DVD of the month highlighting the most popular pro bodybuilder in the world, Lee Priest. I created 24 monthly DVDs over a 2 year period 2006-2007 and a “Best Of” BodyBuilders Reality DVD. After we ended the series in 2007, Lee and I felt like we had covered an enormous amount of material and moved on to other projects. I continue to get emails about Lee and BodyBuildersReality.com
- Scott