Lee trains legs with his workout partner, Eva at Gold’s Gym, off 183 in Austin, Texas. Lee goes home to Australia and visits family and friends.ย Lee plays an epic trick on his mother.ย He gets his mom to jump up and down on her driveway because Lee has told her to do this so he can see her via a satellite in America.ย Wait until you see her reaction after she realizes that it’s all just a joke.ย Next, Lee joins his family for Sunday dinner.ย They have bacon, eggs, steak, potatoes, and vegetables.
ย Lee is still giving his mom a hard time about falling for the prank that he pulled on her.ย Lee shows us some wild animals in his backyard and then introduces us to his nieces and nephews.ย Lee mows the yard.ย He’s gained over 30lbs since his last bodybuilding contest.ย Lee tries to launch his new remote-controlled toy airplane in the backyard with less than stellar success.ย Lee visits his nephew’s school and does some exercise with the kids.ย One of the school teachers can’t help herself and feels his muscles.ย We go on a crocodile hunting expedition with Lee and his mom.
ย Lee shows around Newcastle beach and points out where he used to swim when he was growing up.ย Lastly, we go fishing with Lee and his daughter and visit Maitland Gaol, a now-closed prison.ย (approximately 65 minutes).
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